
Baltimore Personal Injury News: Thoughts on Motorcycle Safety and Traffic Accidents in the Off Season

Looking forward, and at this point we’d say rather far forward, to spring and the new riding season, motorcyclists will at some point be getting back on the road. When that time comes, there will likely be some more intrepid riders heading out early. Whether you ride a Yamaha, Harley, Honda or Suzuki, when the next clear and warm riding day arrives bikes will start to make their appearance all across the state.

As a Maryland personal injury lawyer and motorcycle accident attorney, I know that as the snows melt and the roads dry out, motorists will start to encounter bikes on the street again. There is a danger during those early weeks, however, for riders and their passengers. It’s a good guess that passenger car and commercial truck drivers will need to acclimate to motorcycles being out on the roadways.

Especially for those die-hard bikers who venture out early in the season, it’s good to be aware that four-wheelers aren’t expecting these smaller and faster bikes being in traffic again. Use caution during those early weeks, when riders are fewer in number. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether or not motorcycle-car accidents may increase as riders begin to hit the road, due in part because car, minivan, SUV and semi drivers have become less conscious of motorcycles during a long and nasty winter season.

Automobile-motorcycle and truck-bike crashes can be some of the most deadly traffic collisions that police and emergency responders see on a weekly basis here in Maryland. As such, every rider should be careful not to assume that motor vehicle operators see them or are even aware that they are in the area. As they say, better to ride as if you are invisible rathter than assume a driver sees you and your bike.

When the season starts up in Baltimore, Annapolice, the District or Rockville, it will be safe to say that there will be fewer motorcycle riders out and about than in the summer and early fall months. That doesn’t mean that your chances of a bike accident are low, since Maryland drivers may not be looking for those early season riders. On a percentage basis, our guess is that the rate is higher early on, so please keep this in mind as you clear out those cobwebs and get that iron horse, crotch rocket or cruiser back on the road.

I and my colleagues are all concerned for the safety of all cycle jockeys. But if something does happen and a rider finds him or herself injured as a result of another person’s negligence, be sure to consult with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to understand the options and next steps. And, by all means, keep the rubber on the road and shiny side up.

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