We’ve said it here before; riding a motorcycle is a rewarding, yet risky pastime that requires skill, concentration, and a modicum of luck. It’s this last quality, if you will, that includes a level of trust that the other motorists on the road will be watching out for you. Unfortunately,…
Articles Posted in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents
Maryland Traffic Accident News: Drunken Driver Kills Harley-Davidson Rider in Fatal Baltimore County Crash
If you’ve ever wondered why local police and other law enforcement agencies work so hard to get drunk drivers off Maryland roads, consider that hundreds of people are killed every year across the country by motorists who cause traffic accidents while impaired by alcohol, prescription meds and even illicit drugs…
Baltimore Motorcycle Injury Accident News: 12-Year-Old Maryland Boy Dies in Hospital Following ATV Crash
Just last month we reported on a teenager who lost his life after crashing into a tree on a friend’s all-terrain vehicle (ATV). This isn’t an isolated episode, as many teens and young adults are injured each year on these machines, and for a variety of reasons. These four- and…
Baltimore Motorcycle Accident News: Maryland Rider Dies from Injuries Sustained in Frederick County Bike Crash
Ask most any dedicated motorcycle rider about how he or she approaches riding alongside any larger motor vehicle and at some point you will likely hear the statement, “I ride as if I’m invisible to other drivers.” This may seem like a strange thing to say, since the common assumption…
Maryland Motorcycle Injury Accident News: Harford County Teenager Dies in Fatal ATV Off-road Crash
It’s no secret that ATVs, or all-terrain vehicles, have been in the news for years as youngsters and adults alike have been injured or killed while riding these off-road vehicles. Although the manufacturers claim that their products are safe, the nature of riding off paved roads on a relatively fast,…
Baltimore Motorcycle Accident News: Mother’s Day Marred by Fatal Traffic Accident that Killed Maryland Biker
Losing a son or daughter in a senseless traffic accident can be a painful and devastating event for any family. Having such a tragic event take place on a holiday or special family occasion can forever color that day for friends and relatives for years to come, if not for…
Howard County Motorcyclist Dies after Fatal Traffic Accident; SUV Failed to Yield at Jessup Intersection
Now that the motorcycle riding season has more or less begun, it’s important to remind all riders out there to be extremely cautious when venturing out amongst those larger and more massive motor vehicles on our roadways. No matter what kind of cycle you ride – Suzuki or Harley, Yamaha…
Maryland Traffic Injury News: Baltimore Named in $40 Million Lawsuit following Motorcycle Rider’s Death
While motorcycles offer their owners an unparalleled feeling of freedom on the open road, there are dangers associated with riding one. It makes little difference if your bike of choice is a Harley, Honda, Triumph or Yamaha, when a motorcyclist tangles with a passenger car or commercial truck, the results…
Baltimore Motorcycle Accident News: Woman Indicted following Traffic Accident that Killed Biker
As Maryland personal injury attorneys and motorcycle accident lawyers, we understand the attraction that the open road holds for most every motorcycle rider out there. The feeling of freedom and independence that a bike offers cannot be duplicated in a closed passenger car. But just as a sedan blocks many…
Maryland Motorcycle Safety Update: Don’t Let Enthusiasm for Warmer Weather Lead to Serious Motorcycle Crash
Having worked for years as a Baltimore personal injury attorney and auto accident lawyer, I have seen the result of numerous motorcycle accidents. In fact, just a look at the local news during the year and one will likely find a string of bike accident articles. Whether you live in…