
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Risk Factors

Motorcyclists, including riders and their passengers, have the highest risk of fatalities among all motor vehicle operators. Although many people view motorcycling as an extreme mode of transportation, most riders operate their vehicles aware of their vulnerable position.

Like many Maryland accidents, motorcycle crashes are complex events that may have been influenced by various factors. These factors may include human error, vehicle defects, and environmental influences. However, while human error is the leading cause of motorcycle accidents, many of these errors are on the part of other road users and not the biker. However, given the biker’s vulnerable position, these accidents are more likely to lead to a fatality.

For instance, a recent news radio station reported that a motorcycle rider died in an accident involving a pickup truck. According to reports, the pickup truck driver was traveling southbound, approaching an intersection. The driver entered the highway in the path of a westbound motorcycle. The pickup slammed into the motorcycle, and the rider was ejected onto the roadway, where two eastbound drivers struck the vicitm. The motorcyclist was wearing a helmet, but he suffered fatal injuries and died at the accident scene.

This case highlights how another driver’s negligence can have disastrous consequences for a motorcycle rider. These types of accidents are particularly tragic because it appears the motorcycle was following traffic rules and using proper safety gear. In addition to a biker’s exposure, other risk factors impact the likelihood and severity of an accident. A study by The National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) found specific primary motorcycle safety issues such as:

Inadequate integration of motorcycles in crash warning systems. Many newer cars have the technology to detect dangerous conditions, other motorists, and road hazards. However, these systems frequently fail to register motorcycles as a hazard.

Inadequate motorcycle stability control system. Motorcycles are inherently challenging to balance and often create dangerous situations for bikers. Enhanced braking, collision avoidance technology and stability control would reduce the severity of accidents.

In addition, other primary contributing factors include human error such as fatigue, impairment, and inexperience impact an accident. Further, vehicle and environmental factors like maintenance problems, roadway design, traffic control failure, and mechanical defects may lead to accidents. However, despite significant research, the inherent bias towards motorcyclists continues to prevail. As such, an attorney is a victim’s best resource for preparing a compelling case for recovery against a negligent car driver.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Maryland Motorcycle Accident Cases

The statute of limitations for Maryland motorcycle accident cases is three years. However, it is always best to consult with an attorney about your case well before the three-year deadline. This ensures you and your personal injury lawyer have enough time to fully investigate and prepare your case.

Have You Suffered Injuries in a Maryland Motorcycle Accident?

If you or someone you love has been hurt or suffered severe injuries after a Maryland motorcycle accident, contact the injury attorneys Lebowitz & Mzhen. The experienced trial attorneys at our office have a long history of overcoming the many biases personal injury claimants face in our legal system. We represent clients with respect, compassion, and integrity, ensuring that they recover the damages the law entitles them. We handle Maryland accident cases involving motor vehicles, slip-and-falls, trip-and-falls, parking lot accidents, dangerous or defective products, and medical malpractice. Contact our office at 800-654-1949 to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney on our team.


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