Sometimes when Maryland motorcycle accidents occur, the cause is easy to identify. Perhaps a motorcyclist ran a red light, crashing into the side of a car or truck. Or perhaps a driver was distracted, texting while driving, and accidentally swerved into the other lane, hitting a motorcyclist. In these cases,…
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog
Governor Announces Over $13 Million in Grants to Help Improve Bicycle Safety in Hopes of Reducing Maryland Bicycle Accidents
Every year, far too many Maryland residents are injured or even killed in Maryland bicycle accidents. But the state government has exciting news on increased funding for programs that could help prevent these tragic accidents. Late last month, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced two new federal grant programs, with more…
Recovering Compensation After Losing a Loved One in a Maryland Motorcycle Accident
Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when their death is sudden and unexpected. Unfortunately, far too many Maryland families know firsthand what it’s like to lose a loved one in a motorcycle accident, especially because motorcycle accidents are somewhat more likely to result in death. Because motorcyclists are…
Maryland Bicycle Accidents May Lead to Both Criminal and Civil Liability
In the United States, there are two main types of court cases: criminal and civil. Criminal cases are brought by the government against defendants who have allegedly committed a crime. If someone commits (or is suspected of committing) a bank robbery, for example, they might be arrested and charged with…
Even Mundane Traffic Situations Can Lead to Deadly Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
When many people picture a Maryland motorcycle accident, they probably picture a motorcycle and another vehicle traveling at high speeds down the highway. Perhaps they imagine the motorcycle was weaving around traffic dangerously, or a car ran a red light and crashed into the motorcycle. While these accidents do, unfortunately,…
Negligent Lane Changing Could Lead to Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
One of the fundamental things all Maryland residents learn when learning to drive is how to safely change lanes. Changing lanes is a common part of driving, and when done safely, it does not cause any harm. However, failure to follow safety protocols whilst changing lanes, or even just not…
Recovering For a Passenger’s Injuries in Single-Vehicle Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
Oftentimes, the Maryland motorcycle crashes that we write about in this blog are crashes that involve both a motorcycle and a car, usually with the car making a careless error and hitting the motorcycle, causing the crash. But it is important to recognize that sometimes, Maryland motorcycle accidents can occur…
These Safety Tips May Help Prevent Devastating Maryland Bicycle Accidents
Riding a bicycle is a great form of transportation—it’s cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and a great form of exercise. However, Maryland residents who ride bicycles—whether it be to work every day or just occasionally to get some fresh air—should always practice safe biking habits and be aware of other drivers on…
Challenging Stereotypes in a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit
Motorcyclists face the unfair stigma that they are reckless and aggressive drivers, which often leads to the conclusion that they are at fault after a Maryland motorcycle crash. In reality, most motorcyclists are generally safe drivers. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about one-half of…
Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Animals in the Road
In this blog, we discuss all types of Maryland motorcycle accidents. Typically, accidents of this kind are caused by either negligent drivers or cyclists, who make a bad decision or careless error and crash. Sometimes, however, Maryland motorcycle accidents can be caused by something slightly more unexpected: animals in the…