Earlier this year, the City of Baltimore approved four companies to operate scooter shares in the city: Lime, Jump, Spin, and Bolt. According to a news report at the time, the city selected these four companies out of the seven companies that applied for permits. Scooter shares are growing in…
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog
Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Involving Left-Turning Vehicles
While there are many causes of Maryland motorcycle accidents, accidents involving another vehicle making a left turn into or in front of a motorcycle are among the most common. In most cases, these accidents are the result of a negligent motorist who fails to take notice of the motorcycle or…
State and Local Government Liability in Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
The doctrine of sovereign immunity protects state and local governments from many lawsuits. In cases against the state, in order for a Maryland motorcycle injury claim to go forward in court, the government has to specifically waive immunity for such a claim. Sovereign immunity protects not only the state, but…
How Maryland’s Recreational Use Statute May Impact Bicycle Accident Claims
Maryland’s recreational use statute (RUS) is designed to encourage property owners to make their land available to the public for educational and recreational use by limiting the property owner’s liability in certain circumstances. Maryland’s RUS can pose significant challenges to individuals that suffer injuries while visiting recreational properties. Under this…
Criminal Charges Are Not Necessary to File a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Claim
When someone causes a serious or fatal Maryland motorcycle accident, the accident may form the basis of a criminal charge against the at-fault driver. However, while judges in criminal cases can order restitution in some situations, the objective of a criminal case is not to compensate the victim for the…
Intoxicated Woman Causes Fatal Maryland DUI Motorcycle Accident
A Baltimore, Maryland news article recently reported a tragic drunk driving accident. Evidently, a 21-year-old woman under the influence of alcohol killed a motorcyclist after pulling out in front of him. The woman was driving a GMC box truck when she failed to yield to the motorcycle driver. She collided…
Maryland Chain-Reaction Motorcycle Accidents
A Maryland chain-reaction car accident is one in which an initial collision between two or more vehicles starts a series of events in motion that ultimately causes subsequent accidents. Motorcyclists are especially at risk for getting involved in a chain-reaction accident because they are often unable to stop in time…
Negligence Lawsuits Following Maryland Motorcycle Crashes
Although reckless driving puts everyone on the road at risk, it poses an extraordinary danger to motorcyclists who have very little protection from a potential crash. Unfortunately, Maryland motorcycle accidents are often fatal, although many are completely preventable. While it’s impossible to ensure that all motorists drive carefully to avoid…
Maryland DUI Accidents Involving Scooters and Electric Bikes
Although most Mayland drunk driving accidents involve cars, trucks, and motorcycles, they can also occur in other contexts. For example, as the use of electric scooters and electric bikes continues to rise, reports of incidents involving alcohol are on the rise as well. Many people use these convenient modes of…
Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Reckless Driving
In Maryland, the effects of a motorist’s reckless driving can often be severe, especially for those riding motorcycles. Indeed, Maryland motorcycle accidents are among the most fatal type of traffic accident, and reckless driving is a major cause of these accidents. Under section 21-901.1 of the Transportation Code, reckless driving…