
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog


How Negligence Per Se May Apply in a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Case

In a typical Maryland motorcycle accident lawsuit, the plaintiff must establish the core elements of negligence: duty, breach, causation, and damages. However, when there is a statute that governs the defendant’s conduct in a specific situation, the plaintiff may be able to take a “shortcut.” In other words, the existence…


Manyland Motorcycle Accident Victims Naming Government Entities as Defendants Must Follow Certain Procedures

Historically, the state and federal government were entitled to immunity from most types of liability. Thus, unless a government entity specifically consented to being named in a lawsuit, the case would be dismissed by the court. However, about a century ago the federal government, as well as all the state…


Poorly Designed Roads May Be a Contributing Cause in Many Maryland Motorcycle Accidents

After someone is injured in a Maryland motorcycle accident, the law allows for the accident victim to pursue a claim for compensation against any parties responsible for the accident. Statistics show that motorcyclists are more likely than other motorists to be involved in a single-vehicle crash. In addition, motorcyclists may…


Recent Case Illustrates Why Some Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Require Expert Witness Testimony

Earlier this month, a federal appellate court released an opinion illustrating why some Maryland motorcycle accident cases may require the testimony from an expert witness. The case involved a motorcycle accident that was allegedly caused by a defective tire and made worse by the fact that the helmets worn by…


Recovering Financial Compensation After a Maryland Hit-and-Run Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents are often traumatic and may lead to significant property damage and physical injuries. It is important that Maryland motorcycle accident victims receive immediate and continuous medical treatment for the injuries they sustain. Unfortunately, it is often impossible for an accident victim to receive the appropriate treatment when the…


Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Another Driver’s Failure to Yield

One of the most common causes of Maryland motorcycle accidents is a motorist’s failure to yield the right-of-way to a motorcyclist. Failure-to-yield accidents can occur in several ways. A few of the most common types of failure-to-yield accidents are: When a driver attempts to make a left turn in front…


Can a Passenger Injured in a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Hold the Driver Accountable?

Riding as a passenger on a motorcycle can be dangerous, especially if the passenger does not know the operator or their driving habits. While most motorcyclists are responsible drivers, that simply is not always the case. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 40 percent of all Maryland motorcycle accidents…

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