
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog


Lingering and Delayed-Onset Injuries Following Maryland Motorcycle Accidents

Being involved in a Maryland motorcycle accident is a terrifying experience. If a motorcycle accident victim is lucky enough to walk away from the scene, it is likely that their heart is racing, their adrenaline is pumping, and they may not realize the physical trauma their body just endured. To…


Determining Who Has the Right-of-Way in Maryland Motorcycle Accidents

All drivers should be aware of Maryland traffic laws by virtue of having obtained a Maryland driver’s license. Most drivers can rely on their gut instinct when determining who has the right-of-way in a traffic situation, since the traffic laws have become ingrained in our minds through years of driving.…


Wrongful Death Claims Based on Fatal Maryland Motorcycle Accidents

Maryland motorcycle accidents are a common occurrence, and too often, they result in the serious injury or death of the motorcyclist. Many times, these accidents are due in no part to the motorcyclist’s actions but are caused by another driver’s negligence. This may be due to the other motorist being…


Insurance Disputes in Maryland Bicycle Accidents

Most cyclists fairly believe that as long as they have insurance, they will be covered in the event of a Maryland bicycle accident. However, insurance contracts can be tricky, and insurance companies often try to interpret insurance contracts in their own favor, potentially limiting the amount of coverage provided to…


Motorcycle Accidents Caused by a Motorist’s Failure to Yield

While there are many causes of fatal Maryland motorcycle accidents, one of the most frequently seen causes is a motorist’s failure to yield the right-of-way to a motorcyclist. Of all the failure-to-yield accidents, left-turn accidents are the most common. Indeed, it is estimated that approximately 40% of all fatal motorcycle…


Bicyclist Deaths Continue to Increase in Bicyclist-Motor Vehicle Crashes

The death of a loved one is tragic. In Maryland motor vehicle crashes, the party at fault for the crash should be held responsible for their actions. The wrongful death statute in Maryland allows certain family members to recover compensation after the family members’ death. The purpose of the statute…


Maryland Motorcycle and Scooter Accident Caused by Negligent Government Employees

When a motorist negligently causes an accident with a motorcyclist, resulting in injuries to the motorcyclist, the at-fault driver may be held liable for their negligent actions through a Maryland motorcycle accident lawsuit. However, when the at-fault party is a government employee, there are often additional complications, due to government…

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