Earlier this month, an appellate court in Florida issued a written opinion in a personal injury case brought by several men who were injured in a multi-vehicle motorcycle collision they claimed was caused by the defendant’s aggressive driving. Since the lower court prevented the defendant from admitting certain evidence, the…
Maryland Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Blog
Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Motorists Running Red Lights
When Maryland motorists get behind the wheel, they assume a duty to the other drivers they encounter along their journey, including motorcyclists. Motorcyclists in particular are at an increased danger of suffering serious or fatal injuries following an accident, due to the lack of protection motorcycles afford riders. When it…
Wrongful Death Lawsuits Involving Fatal Maryland Bicycle Accidents
Bicyclists and motorcycles are the most vulnerable vehicles on the road. Between the lack of protection and the slim profile of bikes and motorcycles, riders who are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident often suffer serious injuries. While helmets can help reduce the chances of being seriously injured…
Helmet Non-Use Evidence Is Generally Inadmissible in Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
One of the most common questions we see in Maryland motorcycle accidents is whether the fact that an accident victim was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident can be used against the accident victim at trial. While states across the nation are split on this question…
Establishing Government Liability in Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
In the Washington, D.C. area, it is not uncommon to see government workers conducting official business while out on the road. Inevitably, government workers – like other drivers – will get involved in motor vehicle accidents. In these situations, the question often arises of when an accident victim can hold…
Appellate Court Upholds Summary Judgment Award in Favor of Motorcycle Accident Plaintiff
Last month, an appellate court in Florida issued a written opinion affirming a lower court’s decision to enter summary judgment in favor of a motorcycle accident victim. While the court determined that the driver who caused the accident was individually liable for the plaintiff’s injuries, the court also held that…
Determining Fault in Maryland Motorcycle Accidents
Anyone familiar with riding a motorcycle knows that there are certain unavoidable dangers that confront riders every time they get on a bike. Whether it is an intoxicated or distracted driver or a motorist who misjudges the speed at which a motorcyclist is traveling, many of the risks facing motorcyclists are…
Maryland Man Killed in Upper Marlboro Motorcycle Accident
Earlier this month, one Maryland man was killed when he was struck by another vehicle while riding on a motorcycle in Upper Marlboro. According to a local news report covering the fatal accident, the collision occurred in the evening hours on Maryland Route 202 near the intersection with Robert Lewis…
Hidden Driveways Are Especially Dangerous to Maryland Motorcyclists
The chances are that most motorists have had the experience of driving along a winding road when a vehicle pulls out of a hidden driveway, requiring evasive maneuvers and a quick application of the brakes. These hidden driveways are a major hazard on Maryland roads and are fairly commonplace across…
Motorcycle Accidents Involving Government Employees
In most cases, after a motorcycle accident, the injured motorcyclist can pursue monetary compensation through a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault motorist. However, when the at-fault party is a government employee, the injured motorcyclist may discover that government immunity is a barrier to their recovery. Government Immunity in Maryland…