The chances are that most motorists have had the experience of driving along a winding road when a vehicle pulls out of a hidden driveway, requiring evasive maneuvers and a quick application of the brakes. These hidden driveways are a major hazard on Maryland roads and are fairly commonplace across the state. While hidden driveways are a hazard to all motorists, motorcyclists in particular are at an increased risk due to motorcycles’ increased stopping distance.
Residents who live in a home with a hidden driveway are most likely accustomed to the dangers that are presented when they pull out onto the road. Indeed, many residents strategically install mirrors so that they can see if another vehicle is approaching. However, not every home or business owner with a hidden driveway takes this precaution, and the fact remains that many – if not most – hidden driveways require motorists exiting the driveway to essentially guess when it is safe to pull out.
Motorcycle accidents caused by a vehicle exiting a hidden driveway can be either party’s fault. In cases in which an exiting motorist fails to take notice of an approaching motorcycle, that motorist may be at fault. However, exiting motorists cannot be expected to anticipate a motorcycle speeding around a curve. Thus, these cases are highly fact-dependent and often require the close eye of an experienced personal injury attorney.