Maryland is a state that values higher education. Indeed, according to the most recent data, there are over 50 colleges across Maryland. Bicycles have long been the preferred method of travel for budget-conscious college students, especially in colleges and universities in large urban centers such as Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Thus, it isn’t surprising that many Maryland bicycle accidents occur on or around college campuses.
For the most part, colleges do a good job ensuring that bike travel on campus is safe. This means providing bike lanes, signage, and driver education about the presence of bicyclists and how to safely drive in an area where there is a large population of bicyclists. However, despite these efforts, Maryland bicycle accidents continue to occur.
When a bicyclist is injured in a Maryland bicycle accident, they can pursue a claim for compensation against one or more parties. Generally, this includes the driver that struck them, as well as any other potentially liable party such as the college or university, the driver’s employer, or another motorist that was involved in the collision. However, it is essential that an injured bicyclist understand Maryland’s strict contributory negligence laws and how they can preclude an injured cyclist from recovering for their injuries.
Contributory Negligence in Maryland Personal Injury Cases
Under Maryland’s contributory negligence statute, only accident victims who are entirely free of fault can recover for their injuries. This has the harsh effect of preventing an accident victim from recovering financial compensation if they are found to be just a small percentage at fault. Thus, it is critical that Maryland bicycle accident victims discuss their case with an experienced Maryland bicycle accident attorney.
Student Bicyclist Struck and Killed by College Bus
Earlier this month, a Georgia Military College student was struck and killed by a Georgia College bus. According to a local news report covering the tragic accident, the bicyclist was traveling eastbound on the sidewalk when he entered an intersection. At the same time, an eastbound bus was making a right turn. The student crashed into the passenger side of the bus, just behind the load doors. After the collision, the bicyclist was thrown under the bus. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
Have You Been Injured in a Maryland Bicycle Accident?
If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a Maryland bicycle accident, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for the injuries you have sustained. At the Maryland bicycle accident law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC, we have over 20 years of experience representing injury victims in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, and we know what it takes to succeed on our clients’ behalves. To learn more about how we can help you pursue a claim for compensation, call 410-654-3600 to schedule your free consultation today. Calling is free, and you will not be billed for your services unless we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
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