Each year, about 60 people are killed in Maryland motorcycle accidents. Improper lane changes, including passing another motorist where it is prohibited or unsafe to do so, account for a large number of these fatal accidents.
A motorist may make an improper lane change for a number of reasons. The most common types of improper lane changes are illegal passing and changing lanes without signaling. In each of these cases, other motorists are put in serious danger. While most of the time, those who make an improper lane change do not end up causing a serious accident, when an accident does occur, the motorist can be held liable for any resulting injuries.Recovering compensation in a Maryland motorcycle accident lawsuit is much like any other personal injury lawsuit. However, motorcycle accident victims often encounter a difficulty that the drivers of other vehicles do not: the stigma that is associated with riding a motorcycle. When people hear about a motorcycle accident, they often think “I wonder how fast the motorcyclist was going?” as though the default is that the motorcyclist was somehow at fault. Of course, that is not how the law views motorcycle accidents, and an experienced Maryland personal injury attorney can assist motorcycle accident victims in proving that they were a victim of another motorist’s negligence.