Being involved in a Maryland motorcycle accident is a terrifying experience. If a motorcycle accident victim is lucky enough to walk away from the scene, it is likely that their heart is racing, their adrenaline is pumping, and they may not realize the physical trauma their body just endured.
To be sure, many Maryland motorcycle accidents result in head trauma, road rash, broken bones, and other injuries that are discovered immediately after an accident upon a medical evaluation. However, some injuries may not appear for weeks or even months after an accident. At other times, what seems like a minor injury turns out to be much more serious than the accident victim originally believed. In these situations, Maryland motorcycle accident victims may pursue a claim for compensation against the at-fault driver as long as the claim is filed within the applicable statute of limitations. In Maryland, this is three years from the date of the accident.
While all cases that are filed within the statute of limitations can be heard by the court, jurors may be suspicious of claims that were filed months or years after an accident without a convincing reason. For that reason, anyone who has recently been injured in a Maryland motorcycle accident should immediately consult with a dedicated personal injury attorney to discuss their case and determine if a lawsuit is appropriate.