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We all know that over the past decade, economic factors have added a certain percentage of people into the ranks of motorcyclists, both here in the Maryland area, as well as across the nation. There is no denying that motorcycles and scooters are economical and, some would say, exhilarating modes of transport in at a time when gas prices threaten the very stability of many households. However, as Baltimore personal injury attorneys, we must throw up a cautionary message to all riders: Always remember that with any kind of motor vehicle or other automotive conveyance, there are serious hazards with which to contend.

As motorcycle and automobile accident lawyers, the legal staff at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers, understand the draw that the open road has to the typical motorcycle rider. We know that most every riding enthusiast feels the tug of excitement and freedom from a bike that no passenger car driver will likely ever experience. That feeling — of being one with the road, out in the elements amidst nature with the wind in one’s face — can certainly be an inexorable force. But keep in mind, as we know having represented individuals who have been hurt, maimed or killed while riding a motorcycle, that the exhilaration and excitement of motorcycling should always be tempered by a sober understanding of all the risks inherent in the sport.

A motorcyclist can be the most cautious and prepared rider out there, but nothing is for certain. Remember that Injuries sustained in bike accidents, unlike those experienced by occupants of passenger cars and other large motor vehicles, can often be severe, long-lasting and potentially life-altering, if not outright fatal. The small size of a motorcycle and the obviously over-exposed position of its rider are just two of the reasons why every biker worth his or her salt practices their own version of risk management. Accidents involving commercial trucks, passenger cars and city buses can occur out of the blue.

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The economy has been a real driver, over these past several years, in purchases of motorcycles, scooters and even bicycles for commuting and general travel. While two-wheeled transportation may have been a pastime or hobby for most, now we are finding a growing percentage of the motoring population using these modes of transportation for more than just enjoyment or relaxation. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen is dedicated to assisting victims of motorcycle, automobile and commercial trucking-related roadway collisions.

Certainly, for many in the motorcycle community the growth of bikes for use more as transportation has contributed to a greater number of these machines on Maryland highways and in the city streets of Bowie, Rockville, Columbia and the District. Hardly a bad thing, the added numbers of motorcycle riders on Maryland roads adds to a presence that helps to keep car and truck drivers aware that they are sharing the roadways with bikers. Still the dangers abound for riders of Honda, Harley, Kawasaki and Ducati motorcycles, not to mention Vespa scooters and among many others.

Based on nationwide data, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reported that motorcycle riders are five times more likely to be injured in a traffic accident than occupants of larger passenger vehicles. On top of that, the NHTSA also has determined that bikers are up to 25 times more apt to be killed in a car crash, truck collision or other type of roadway wreck. One of the biggest causes is drivers of automobiles or commercial trucks who are simply not paying attention to whether there is a motorcycle in their area.

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We won’t argue that motorcycle riding is a risky hobby; and even to those who make a bike their primary mode of transportation, the knowledge that even the best riders can become involved in a traffic accident through no fault of their own should be enough to help urge caution whenever firing up ones bike and heading out onto public roads. The fact is, as good as a rider may be; as many miles he or she may have accumulated without a single crash or incident, getting hit by a car or a delivery truck can be just a roll of the dice for some unlucky riders.

As Baltimore personal injury attorneys, I and my staff of legal professionals have seen enough traffic accident victims to understand that nobody deserves to become a statistic in the Maryland traffic fatality ledger. Yet, every year, hundreds of innocent people — men, women and children injured due to another person’s negligent actions — are sent to hospital emergency rooms all across this state simply because of another individual’s careless or outright negligent actions.

Whether one rides a motorcycle to work, school, for shopping or just for enjoyment, the caveat for any rider is that automobile and trucking-related collisions can happen anytime, anywhere. Many a motorcyclist has been caught unaware in a severe and life-threatening roadway collision only because he or she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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During the warmer weather, with its attendant sunshine and pleasant breezes, Maryland motorcycle riders can enjoy afternoons traveling though the countryside or ply the city streets of Annapolis, Rockville, Bowie and the District with hardly a care in the world. But add just one thoughtless driver in another vehicle and one could have a recipe for disaster. Whether one rides to work, school or just for fun and enjoyment, motorcyclists must constantly be on the alert for potential danger lurking around nearly every corner.

Especially in a state as densely populated as ours, there is more than one way in which a rider can be hurt or killed through no fault of his own. And while most bikers are safe drivers, the growing popularity of motorcycling inevitably leads to more riding accidents. As Baltimore personal injury lawyers, my firm is dedicated to helping victims of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents, aggressively representing the victims of these and other accidents, such as pedestrian collisions, medical malpractice, and nursing home abuse and neglect.

One thing we know, motorcycle accident victims and their families can benefit from the individual attention that we provide to every case. Whether a crash has been caused by a careless driver, one who is distracted, or a collision that is caused by a drunk behind the wheel, the potential for a life-changing injury that can leave a biker seriously injured or permanently disabled is rather high.

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The odds of any motorcycle rider making it through his adult life without any kind of bike-related accident seems to be quite low, especially when one reads of the myriad of biker injuries and deaths on Maryland roadways that occur throughout the year. Granted, the nature of the sport, if you will, means that motorcyclists are at much higher risk of being injured in a collision with a car or commercial motor vehicle, and the statistics bear this out.

It may seem amazing to non-riders that motorcyclists continue to ride their bikes despite the overwhelming evidence that many of them will be hurt or killed in a traffic-related collisions at some time or another. Having represented numerous individuals who have sustained serious and life-changing injuries as a result of a crash caused by another driver, we as Baltimore auto accident lawyers know the passion with which this group defends their right to right and enjoy the sport. All we can say is that the average four-wheeled motorist fails to appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm that bikers all over this country possess.

On the flip side, as personal injury attorneys, we can truly say that motorcyclists tend to turn a deaf ear to the warnings that come from those in the general driving population. It’s not that they don’t want to hear those concerns for their safety, but more to the point that they are well aware of the risks, having faced them squarely every day of their riding careers. As more than one rider would be quite to remind these folks, since motorcycle riding is not without risk, the sport of riding is more a matter of risk management.

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As a personal injury firm here in the Baltimore area, we understand how a pleasant afternoon ride can turn into an unexpected trip to the emergency room for many a bicyclist. As automobile drivers, we can all sympathize with people who get caught up in a bad traffic accident. But however serious a car or trucking-related roadway crash, any similar circumstance that involves a bicycle or pedestrian can often end with tragic results.

The fact of the matter is that humans, no matter how well equipped with helmets and other protective clothing, are no match for a 3,000-pound motor vehicle. The mass of a passenger car, sport utility vehicle or minivan, much less a large commercial delivery truck, is many times that of a cyclist or jogger. Being hit by a car or truck can cause a person on foot or biking to impact the vehicle itself and more often fall to the ground and strike his or her head on hard pavement.

Helmets can go a long way toward protecting a person’s brain, but only to a certain extent. While bicycle safety experts would argue that a rider who uses a helmet has much better odds of surviving a traffic accident, the chances of sustaining serious closed-head trauma (also known as traumatic brain injury) is still quite high. As Maryland personal injury lawyers, I and my staff have seen the results of these kinds of car-to-bike and truck-to-bicycle impacts in which the rider suffered badly as a result of the collision.

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As Baltimore personal injury attorneys, I and my staff of experienced legal professional know the law and understand its implications for the citizens of this state. Having represented many people who have been victimized by others through negligence, inattentiveness, thoughtlessness and even outright aggression, we know the pain and anger that these victims can feel after such a tragic event as a motorcycle, car or trucking-related highway accident.

Not only does an accident victim have to suffer through the pain and potentially long-term effects of the physical collision, there are also medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs, all of which come out of that one, momentary lapse of judgment on another person’s part. Quite often the resentment is palpable. As auto accident attorneys, however, our job is to see that our clients’ rights are recognized in a court of law, and that justice is served on those who caused the injuries to or death of the victim.

Our traffic laws help to keep people safe on the road, though words and the threat of punishment is not always a deterrent for those either too unconcerned or unthinking to worry about the others he leaves in his wake. Take, for instance, aggressive driving, which has become a big problem on our roadways and a cause of many traffic accidents, both here in Maryland as well as throughout the county. Over the past few years, Baltimore and other cities have experienced a rise in unlicensed ATVs and motorcycles being involved in incidents that can only be categorized as aggressive in nature.

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Mothers, fathers and siblings all worry about family members and friends who ride motorcycles. Why? The answer is simple: Motorcyclists are statistically more likely to be killed or injured in traffic collisions than drivers or passengers in cars, minivans, SUVs or pickup trucks that are caught up in serious roadway crashes. Of course, we are probably preaching to the choir when it comes to any biker who is reading this, but understanding as we do the downside to motorcycle accidents, we feel compelled to reiterate our message of caution.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my staff of legal professionals have seen riders who have been mildly to severely hurt in car-bike wrecks, as well as bikers involved in collisions with commercial trucks. Although most every motorcycle enthusiast understands the risks involved with traveling in dense traffic or along a high-speed interstate, the fact remains fatal and near-fatal injuries can easily result when a bike is hit by a larger vehicle or, worse, if the rider collides with a stationary object.

Traumatic brain injury is common, even for those who wear a certified helmet and other protective riding gear, as are broken bones and compound fractures, internal injuries and debilitating back and neck injuries. Never mind the potential for severe burns in crashes that ignite a gasoline-fueled fire. For anyone who chooses not to acknowledge the ever-present risk of injury or death while riding a motorcycle, consider the following news items.

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Few but the die-hard riders out there will be plying the roadways after this week, what with the colder, nastier weather being ushered in by the likes of Hurricane Sandy. But there are still those dyed-in-the-wool bikers who will try to ride in almost any weather that nature throws at us. For those individuals, as well as the other drivers who encounter them on the road this fall and early winter, we are compelled to offer some warnings about fair-weather versus rough-weather riding.

At the end of this week, we will also be switching over to daylight savings time, which means that it will be darker toward the evening hours as the days shorten as well. Not that all traffic accidents happen at night or in poor weather, but these conditions can certainly contribute to a bad motorcycle, car or trucking-related wreck, depending on the circumstances. As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we know that cold can affect a person’s cognitive abilities to the point that they may not be functioning at their best.

For bikers and other individuals who are exposed to cold and damp weather conditions, it’s conceivable that a traffic threat or other potential accident condition may not be as readily noticed by a rider who is fighting off a severe chill induced by traveling in mid-40-degree ambient temperatures at 50-60mph for a time. The effective wind chill at those speeds can really take a toll on even a well-bundled motorcyclist. The main point we want to convey is that no matter one’s level of experience, take extra precautions when riding during this time of the year.

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Just like any machine, Motorcycles can suffer from mechanical problems. But unlike many machines, motorcycles are capable of propelling a rider from 0 to 60mph in a matter of seconds. With the ability to travel at highway speeds and above, a motorcycle is one machine that needs to be in tip-top condition. That’s “perfect” condition from the factory, as well as years later. Especially if one rides a sport bike, but even for those who simply cruise around town, there should be no margin for error when it comes to the design, maintenance and use of a powerful Harley, Honda, Ducati or Yamaha.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my legal staff have seen enough victims of automobile, motorcycle and commercial trucking wrecks to know that people can suffer greatly if safety is placed on the back burner. The old adage, “Safety First” is not just a quaint slogan for old timers to toss around when someone gets seriously hurt. Safety First should be a way of life, especially for individuals who live and work in risky circumstances. Bikers should consider themselves as part of this group.

When we talk of safety, at least in this instance today, we talk about the safe design and maintenance of motor vehicles. While it may seem a little over dramatic to say that we stake our lives on the safety aspects of our family sedan or municipal bus, it is true that the safe operation of these vehicles does go a long way to keeping us all alive. If the brakes on a passenger sedan fail while approaching a red light at a busy intersection, this is an instance where some or all of the people in that car could be placed in jeopardy.

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