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For anyone who intends to ride a motorcycle, but who lacks the training or background to date, Maryland’s (HSO) Highway Safety Office has a safety awareness curriculum that may be just the thing for people looking to better their chances for a safe and lower-risk biking career. Whether for a pastime, sport or strictly commuting, motorcycles offer a number of practical advantages over passenger cars. Unfortunately, increased safety may not really be one of them.

As Baltimore auto accident lawyers, my firm is prepared to represent victims of motorcycle collisions, not to mention people hurt as a result of car or commercial truck accident. I and my colleagues understand why motorcycle riding is not a risk-free hobby, but we also know that riding a whatever bike — be it a Honda, Harley, or Yamaha; cruiser, chopper or sport bike — is an experience not soon forgotten. The fact is, motorcycle riding is a balance between the excitement and freedom of the open road tempered by a heightened awareness of one’s vulnerability.

Nobody would argue that being struck by a car or truck while on a bike could end one’s life. On the other hand, with the proper amount of risk management and proper safety equipment, most any biker can find himself living to a ripe old age. Still, it never hurts to have a refresher course in the basics from time to time. Certainly the uninitiated should seriously consider a motorcycle safety program like the one that Maryland provides.

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Anyone who has lost a friend or loved one to a traffic-related pedestrian or cycling accident needs no reminder of the senseless nature of such events. As ones who represent the victims of severe and fatal automobile, motorcycle and trucking-related roadway collisions, I and my legal staff have first-hand experience with people whose pain may take years to go away, if ever.

Here in the Baltimore area, as with parts of the District, Cumberland, Annapolis and Bowie, MD, hardly a week goes by that there isn’t a news report of a car crash involving a cyclist or pedestrian. These types of accidents are almost always “one-sided,” in that the person on foot or on his or her bike has little protection against a 3,000-pound car or even larger commercial delivery truck or 18-wheeler. In these instances, closed-head trauma, spinal cord injuries and broken bones can all be quite common.

The upcoming “Ride of Silence,” being undertaken by cyclists and bicycle clubs all across the globe, will hopefully raise the needed awareness regarding the dangers of car- and truck-bike crashes. While it is hardly reasonable to expect that all bicycle and pedestrian collisions can be eradicated through this or any other single effort, its heartening to think that even one person will not die in the future as a result of this mass demonstration of respect for those who have passed away as a result of senseless traffic accidents.

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As evidenced by the huge number of motorcycling fans and riders throughout our state and the nation, motorcycle riding is a fairly popular sport, and way of life, for many individuals. Without the enthusiasm of full-time riders and hobbyists, one could say motorcycles would be just another form of transportation. But as most anyone can tell, especially after speaking with some dyed-in-the-wool motorcycle fanatics, bikes are not simply a way to get from point A to point B, they are the only way to truly enjoy a getting anywhere.

Whether you live or work in Gaithersburg, Rockville Annapolis or the District, even if you’re not a biker, you see motorcycles of all types on the road — Honda’s, Harleys, Ducattis and Kawasaki’s, among others. Most automobile drivers who are not bikers may not understand the draw that these machines have on some people, yet the passion is unmistakable once one has had a chance to talk with a motorcycle owner.

What most non-riders may not understand is the apparently easy acceptance of the high risk and serious dangers that motorcycle riding presents on a daily basis to these enthusiasts. Despite the numerous stories of bike accidents and fatal traffic crashes involving motorcycles, to an outsider it would appear that none of these individuals cares about their safety. Of course, this couldn’t be farther from the truth, at least for most consummate riders.

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While we’ve said it before, it bears additional repetition in this instance: Motorcyclists as well as bicycle riders must be on top of their game when it comes to sharing the road with other motor vehicles. The fact is, traffic accidents happen, but accidents involving cars and two-wheelers can turn out very badly for the cyclist or motorcycle rider. Be aware, too, that crashes involving heavy commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers and large box trucks can be downright deadly for those traveling on two-wheels.

Of course, this is information nothing new. As personal injury attorneys representing victims of truck and automobile accidents here in Maryland, as well as in Washington, D.C., I and my colleagues understand the seriousness of any roadway accident, but those that include relatively unprotected individuals can result in critical injury. Quite often, bikers, cyclists or pedestrians are killed in traffic accidents, which is why we also represent the families of victims who have lost a loved one through a traffic collision caused by a negligent or thoughtless driver.

When it comes to motorcycles, riders and passenger alike should know how tenuous their safety can be amidst heavy traffic or when passing through intersections in a busy part of town. More than one rider has been hurt or killed by a car or truck whose driver did not see them or didn’t observe a red traffic signal. Excuses aside, the end result can be tragic for everyone involved. We will add, too, that drunken driving on a bike is an invitation to disaster like no other.

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Anyone who rides a motorcycle, scooter or even a bicycle in traffic probably knows the dangers to which they are exposing themselves. This is not to say that people don’t have the right to do the things that please them, within the law, but the risk factors for bikers can be quite numerous. The point we’d like to make here, as Maryland personal injury lawyers, is that being involved in a collision with another motor vehicle, such as a car, bus or commercial delivery vehicle, is just the beginning of what can be a painful and long recovery period.

Many motorcycle riders in Baltimore, Annapolis, Rockville or The District see the carnage of traffic accidents every week. For those who commute on their mounts, the chances of a fatal crash can be very high. And although more people survive traffic accidents than perish in them, bikers can find themselves teetering on the edge of life and death following a bad traffic wreck.

Never mind the obvious pitfalls of actually being maimed in a motorcycle or automobile collision, take a moment to consider the dangers that lurk within the hospital itself. After a serious crash, critically injured victims can be brought in for treatment of a range of injuries. Closed-head trauma, spinal cord damage and internal injuries are just a few of the many and varied bodily injuries that can beset a rider following a traffic collision.

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We’ve covered instances of children being hurt in motor vehicle accidents before in this forum; and that includes motorcycles and four-wheel off-road vehicles (ORVs). The fact of the matter is that riding a bike — regardless of whether it has two, three or four wheels — is not the same as piloting or being an occupant in a passenger car, city bus, taxi cab or limousine. Quite frankly, motorcycles may be fun and invigorating, but their operation also requires a great deal of concentration and respect for the inherent dangers associated with these vehicles.

As Baltimore motorcycle accident attorneys, not to mention personal injury lawyers, we have the skills and training to represent riders of Honda, Yamaha, Harley-Davidson and Kawasaki motorbikes and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) who may have been injured as a result of a traffic accident. Furthermore, we are always understanding of the families who may have lost a loved one as a result of a motorcycle wreck, either here in Maryland or over in the District.

Sadly, some accidents involving bikers do qualify as cases of wrongful death due to the negligence of another driver. Unlike the occupants of a car, sport utility vehicle (SUV) or commercial delivery truck, injuries sustained by a motorcyclist can easily be fatal in nature. These would include severe injury to crucial internal organs, spinal cord separation, and closed-head trauma (also known as traumatic brain injury).

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Back in the halcyon days of the automobile, it’s safe to say that many people were more concerned about making way for the new horseless carriages and less worried for the pedestrians who were quickly becoming outnumbered by those new “motor vehicles.” With few vehicles on the roads, traffic accidents were also an infrequent occurrence, though occasionally just as deadly as today’s car, bus and commercial trucking wrecks.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, we understand how circumstances can place a pedestrian, cyclist or passenger car occupant in a serious traffic accident. While persons who are riding in a vehicle have a relatively good chance of surviving a roadway collision, those on foot or riding a bicycle have the odds stacked against them. Road accidents take many innocent lives every year in cities like Annapolis, Gaithersburg and the District. All we can do is advise caution at all times whenever you are in or near motor vehicle traffic.

For a while now, the planners for Baltimore County have been working on better and safer access for joggers, runners, bicyclists and all other pedestrians who share the road with cars and trucks. With input from numerous private citizens and other concerned parties, the county has been drafting the Western Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan.

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We won’t argue that riding a motorcycle anywhere in the U.S. can be a risky proposition; however, we do understand that everyone is free to make that choice for themselves. As a biker, just as any motorist, an individual relies on the rules of the road to help protect him or her from accidents or other roadway mishaps. Unfortunately, nobody lives in a perfect world, and as such traffic accidents, bodily injuries and fatalities can and do occur with alarming rapidity.

Knowing that motorcyclists deserve the protection under the law, as Maryland personal injury attorneys and auto accident lawyers, I and my legal staff are prepared to represent those people who have been hurt in automobile, motorcycle, and commercial trucking wrecks. In cases where the rider died as a result of another person’s negligence, we typically represent the family of the deceased when they file a wrongful death lawsuit or other legal action against the negligent party or parties.

Now, it’s all well and good to say that individuals who ride a Harley-Davidson, Ducatti, Yamaha or Vespa take their lives into their own hands when venturing out onto the streets, but just as a rider accepts the consequences of his or her own actions, any driver who knowingly flouts the law or acts in a reckless manner on a public roadway must, too, be prepared to answer for any injuries or fatalities he may have caused while doing so.

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There is no need to go into great detail on the dangers of riding a bicycle in busy urban areas, such as Baltimore, Annapolis, the District and Gaithersburg. The point we make here is that when you mix large motor vehicles with lightweight and relatively flimsy bikes, there is not much margin for error.

Bicyclists know this, and for the most part, cyclists do what they can to protect themselves from serious injury as a result of a crash with a passenger vehicle, commercial delivery truck or city bus. Pedestrians, as well, should be vigilant when walking or standing near busy intersections or when traversing crosswalks, but bicycles and their riders by the very nature of the sport must inevitably travel side-by-side with motor vehicle traffic. Sadly, accidents are bound to occur.

Given the relative frequency of car-bike and bicycle-truck collisions, its no surprise that state and municipal roadway engineers and civic planners are trying to create safer traffic arrangements in some parts of our cities and communities. With luck, these changes may go a long way toward alleviating the near-constant danger that some cyclists experience every time they venture out on their bikes.

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Numerous states across the nation have mandatory helmet laws for motorcycle riders, yet others have none. While the argument continues between safety advocates on one side and those who hold individual rights in high esteem on the other, one thing is certain: the debate will likely continue for some time to come.

As Maryland personal injury attorneys, I and my colleagues have first-hand experience in representing individuals hurt as a result of highway traffic wrecks. Since a percentage of motor vehicle collisions involve people on motorcycles, there are numerous news stories every year illustrating the dangers of being hit by a car or commercial truck while operating a Harley, Honda, Yamaha or Kawasaki.

Whatever one’s personal feelings about the using a motorcycle helmet, riders in Baltimore, Annapolis, Gaithersburg and even in Washington, D.C., are required by law to wear an approved helmet at all times while on public roads. It’s a fair bet that most of the driving public believes that a helmet can help protect a biker from serious head injury — such as closed-head trauma — in the event of a bad motorcycle crash.

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