We’ve said it here before; riding a motorcycle is a rewarding, yet risky pastime that requires skill, concentration, and a modicum of luck. It’s this last quality, if you will, that includes a level of trust that the other motorists on the road will be watching out for you. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Considering the dangers involved, it’s amazing that motorcyclists ever take to the streets here in Baltimore, over in Frederick and even in the District. Sharing the road with other drivers means placing one’s life in the hands of strangers, many of whom are likely good people with good intentions. But traffic accidents happen; and when an accident happens to a biker, the consequences can be deadly.
Besides “road rash,” which would seem like a rite of passage for many motorcycle riders, a traffic accident with a larger motor vehicle is likely to result in lacerations, broken bones, internal injuries and closed-head trauma. Mix in a collision with a commercial delivery truck or 18-wheeler and there’s a good chance of a fatality. Too many riders are killed every year as a result of highway wrecks, and the figures will likely add up, as they do every year, until the colder temperatures send those “fair weather” riders home to sit the winter out and wait for springtime.
As Maryland auto accident attorneys and Washington, D.C., personal injury lawyers, we have the legal training and experience to represent victims of motorcycle accidents and their families. We know that many bikers involved in serious road wrecks face an uncertain future due to the critical injuries that can be received on a bike. Medical costs can mount up quickly, and rehabilitation can take months or years.