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It should be common knowledge that riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving the same distance in a car or other motor vehicle, however the amount that such danger increases can be surprising. Some sources claim that a motorcyclist is 26 times more likely to die in an accident than a driver or a passenger in an automobile. Because of this increase in danger, both motorcyclists and other drivers should be extra vigilant in situations where motorcycles and other vehicles share the road. A recently published local news report discusses a motorcycle crash last month that nearly killed a Harley rider.

According to the local news report, the accident occurred one afternoon last month after a pickup truck attempted to make a left turn into oncoming traffic. As the truck attempted to make the turn, a Harley Davidson motorcycle was being driven through the intersection by a 51-year-old man. The truck collided with the motorcycle in the intersection, ejecting the biker from his vehicle and resulting in critical injuries. The driver of the truck was not injured in the crash.

This horrifying and tragic crash demonstrates the fact that vehicles traveling on Maryland roads must be prepared to yield the right of way to smaller vehicles and pedestrians when sharing the road. If a motor vehicle operator is only looking out for other large vehicles, it places the operators of motorcycles, scooters, and bicycles, as well as pedestrians, at risk. If a driver fails to see a smaller vehicle and is involved in a crash, they could face civil and criminal liability for their actions, as well as administrative actions against their driver’s license.

Two-wheeled vehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles are more likely to be involved in accidents with other vehicles. In the event that a two-wheeled vehicle is involved in a crash, the likelihood that the crash results in serious injury or death is also increased. Motorcycle and bicycle riders should use extreme caution when operating their vehicles on public roadways, as the consequences of someone else’s negligence can be catastrophic. A recently published local news report discusses a fatal collision between a bicyclist and a motor vehicle that occurred in February 2022 in Delaware.

According to the recently published news report, the accident occurred when a 30-year-old Maryland man was cycling in the middle of a small road in Newark, DE. The driver of a motor vehicle approached the bicyclist from behind and attempted to pass on the left by entering into the other lane. Before the vehicle was able to perform the pass, the bicyclist veered to the left and was ultimately struck by the motor vehicle and ejected from his bicycle. Emergency crews were called to the scene after the accident, but the bicyclist’s injuries were too severe to be treated and he succumbed to his injuries in the crash. The article states that the driver of the motor vehicle was not injured in the crash, and does not mention that any charges have been filed against the motorist.

When cars, trucks and other motor vehicles approach a bicycle or other two-wheeled vehicle that is taking up a full lane, the driver of the motor vehicle must allow the smaller vehicle the full use of the lane. Motor vehicle drivers still can attempt to pass a smaller vehicle, but only if traffic laws and conditions allow it to be done safely. A bicyclist who is traveling in the middle of a roadway that is divided by two yellow lines must be allowed to take up the whole lane, and a passing attempt would be illegal. If a driver attempts to pass another vehicle illegally and it results in an accident, the driver of the larger vehicle may be held accountable with criminal charges or in a civil lawsuit for their failure to yield the right of way to the smaller vehicle.

Over the past decade, the way people move around the city and travel to work has changed. Many people are opting for a practical vehicle that provides users with the autonomy to move around quickly; one such method of transportation is the electric scooter (e-scooter). These micro-mobility devices provide many benefits; they also present a serious risk of a Maryland traffic accident.

E-scooters are stand-up scooters that can reach about 18/mph through power from an electric motor. The batteries generally last from 6-8 hours, depending on the model. E-scooter injuries have become a public health issue in many communities despite the benefits. Various factors can impact the severity of an e-scooter accident, such as the age and sex of the user, helmet use, accident mechanism, injury time, type of injury, and treatment.

According to one study, most injuries occurred in young men around 30 years old and resulted from a fall from the e-scooter. Nearly half of the injuries were upper limb fractures, and about 50% of the features required surgery. As an example, a recent news report described a fatal Maryland e-scooter accident. According to the report, around midnight, police responded to an accident report near Route 50. An initial investigation revealed that the e-scooter operator was traveling west without his lights on when a large sedan slammed into him from behind. The e-scooter operated succumbed to his injuries at a local hospital.

Although motorcycles are a fast, trendy, and convenient way to get around, they often pose unique safety concerns to those who ride them and the drivers they share the road with.

For riders, they are more at risk compared to passenger vehicle drivers because they do not have the benefit of a car to protect them in the event of an accident. For drivers, motorcyclists can be hard to see, especially when weather conditions are poor or visibility is low. Understanding the dangers associated with these accidents is beneficial for anyone who is on the road—and for remaining as safe and proactive as possible.

According to a recent news report, a man was killed after a motorcycle and SUV collided. Local authorities reported that the SUV and motorcycle ran into each other head-on, and the motorcyclist was pronounced dead on the scene. The SUV driver stayed at the scene and cooperated with first responders. The accident remains under investigation.

It’s been a tough couple of years for many people. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in immeasurable losses for many families. Whether it’s due to the loss of family members, layoffs, or the feeling of isolation, many people feel as though they are at the end of their rope. Not surprisingly, the rate of Maryland road rage incidents has increased significantly since the beginning of the pandemic.

What Is Road Rage?

Road rage is a type of aggressive driving that crosses the line from “negligent” to “illegal.” Road rage often includes actions that are intended to physically harm or intimidate another motorist. Road rage is illegal, and may form the basis of a personal injury lawsuit. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are often the target of road rage, which often ends in a motorcycle accident.

Some of the most common types of road rage include:

  • Throwing objects from a moving vehicle;
  • Using a car to block another person or vehicle;
  • Intentionally hitting a person or vehicle;
  • Yelling curse words or threats out the window;
  • Intentionally cutting off another vehicle; and
  • Running another driver off the road.

Given the dangers of this type of behavior, road rage accidents are not uncommon. For example, a recent survey revelated that 82 percent of drivers admit to committing an act of road rage within the past year. And over the past seven years, there have been at least 12,600 injuries caused by road rage and another 218 road-rage-related deaths. What’s worse, over the past ten years, there has been a 500 percent increase in the number of road rage accidents.

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When driving, it can often be hard for drivers to spot motorcyclists, especially if road or weather conditions are poor. Because motorcycle drivers do not have the protective casing and shell of a traditional car to protect them in the event of an accident, collisions involving a motorcycle and a car can often lead to significant injuries and even death. For drivers and motorcyclists alike, remaining vigilant on the road and exercising certain best practices can keep everyone safe.

According to a recent news report, a major motorcycle accident left one man dead. Local police responded to a four-vehicle crash at an intersection where investigators determined that a motorcycle that was traveling west collided with a Dodge that was turning left. The initial collision then caused both the Dodge and the motorcycle to crash into a Ford that was stopped at the traffic light. The motorcycle then also collided with a Toyota that was stopped at the light. After this series of collisions, the motorcycle driver was thrown from his bike and pronounced dead at the scene. According to local authorities, no one else involved in the accident was seriously injured or hurt. Although the accident remains under investigation, police believe that speed may have been a contributing factor in the accident.

Inexperience, driving under the influence, left-hand turns, speeding, and negligent or reckless driving are among the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. In addition, unsafe lane changes, car doors, lane splitting, and sudden stops also contribute to a number of motorcycle accidents each year. At intersections, motorcyclists are particularly susceptible to accidents. In fact, approximately 70 percent of motorcycle collisions take place at intersections.

Although cold temperatures mean fewer pedestrians and bikers are out and about this time of year, drivers should still remain vigilant when traveling. Drivers, however, should not entirely dismiss the possibility of pedestrians or cyclists just because of colder weather. In fact, these cooler months call for more vigilance from both pedestrians and drivers alike. Winter weather often means shorter days, lower visibility, and poorer weather conditions—all of which can contribute to increasing the possibility that an accident takes place.

According to a recent news report, a 13-year-old boy died after a truck hit him while he was on his bicycle. Local authorities reported that around 7pm, the driver of the truck was driving east past an intersection when the front of his truck crashed into the back of the child’s bicycle. According to witness reports, when the accident took place, the driver was trying to avoid the child’s friend, who was also riding a bicycle, but failed to do so and struck the 13-year-old boy instead. When law enforcement arrived on the scene, they noted that it was likely the crash was an accident, given low visibility and the limited shoulder along the road. The accident remains under investigation.

How Many Fatal Bicycle Accidents Are There Each Year?

Based on national statistics, the number of preventable deaths from bicycle transportation incidents has increased significantly over the last few years. In the last decade, rates of bicycle deaths from motor accidents increased 37 percent, from 793 deaths in 2010 to 1,089 in 2019. Steady increases have been taking place every year also, with the highest number of deaths taking place annually in warmer months when more bikers and pedestrians are out and about.

Motorcyclists, including riders and their passengers, have the highest risk of fatalities among all motor vehicle operators. Although many people view motorcycling as an extreme mode of transportation, most riders operate their vehicles aware of their vulnerable position.

Like many Maryland accidents, motorcycle crashes are complex events that may have been influenced by various factors. These factors may include human error, vehicle defects, and environmental influences. However, while human error is the leading cause of motorcycle accidents, many of these errors are on the part of other road users and not the biker. However, given the biker’s vulnerable position, these accidents are more likely to lead to a fatality.

For instance, a recent news radio station reported that a motorcycle rider died in an accident involving a pickup truck. According to reports, the pickup truck driver was traveling southbound, approaching an intersection. The driver entered the highway in the path of a westbound motorcycle. The pickup slammed into the motorcycle, and the rider was ejected onto the roadway, where two eastbound drivers struck the vicitm. The motorcyclist was wearing a helmet, but he suffered fatal injuries and died at the accident scene.

After seeking medical assistance, the next step a Maryland accident victim should take is to consult with an attorney. While speaking to an insurance adjustor or other party may seem harmless, many seemingly innocuous statements can drastically impact a victim’s recovery. Under conditions of extreme duress, a party may make a statement expressing guilt or remorse for an accident; however, this does not necessarily amount to an admission of guilt.

Apologizing after an accident does not equate with admitting blame; the other driver’s insurance company or attorney may use those statements as an admission of fault. Although it might go against a person’s inherent character, it is generally advisable to avoid apologizing after a Maryland accident. It is best practice to limit conversations to ensure the safety of all parties and contact emergency responders and law enforcement.

Does Apologizing After a Maryland Motorcycle Accident Affect My Case?

Apologizing after a Maryland motorcycle accident does not legally implicate guilt or fault, but the opposing party may argue that it does. In another state, this may not make much of a difference; however, because of Maryland’s strict contributory negligence laws, the other party may try to use a victim’s innocent statement of concern to bar their financial recovery. On the other hand, a victim may be able to use an at-fault party’s statement in their personal injury case.

Many Maryland residents recently experienced the devastating impact that severe winter weather can have on travelers. The recent winter storm plummeted the northeast, and the snow and ice resulted in heavy traffic, chain-reaction accidents, and fallen wires and trees. The effects of inclement weather can reverberate for many weeks after severe winter events. While drivers may be accustomed to navigating potholes and damaged roadways, some unexpected dangers can result in serious accidents and injuries.

Fallen trees and branches can present serious challenges to motorists and other road users. In some cases, an accident may result from a falling tree and others may involve a driver crashing into a branch or tree that has not been cleared. Under Maryland law, it is a property owner’s responsibility to remove fallen trees and debris from their property. However, in some cases, the governmental entity may be responsible for removing dangers, such as fallen trees or branches.

For instance, reports described an accident involving a motorcycle rider who crashed with a downed tree. The motorcyclist was driving down a road when they hit a fallen tree lying in the roadway. The rider was wearing a helmet; however, he died at the hospital.

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